You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone around that you found the document, contacted a cousin who has the family Bible, made a DNA connection or found a whole new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.
Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries.
This is a weekly series to enable everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment.
Share by scrolling down and adding your story to the comments section or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.
My Happy Dance Moment for this week:
Actually, my happy dance moment for the past several weeks was the opportunity to attend RootsTech London!
People ask me how my trip was and all I can say is "magical"!
From attending the inaugural conference in London, talking to Donny (yes, he held my hand for a few brief moments, lol), visiting all the tourist sights in London and Paris to visiting two homes in Ipswich and Woodbridge where I lived while my dad was serving at the American Air Force Base nearby it was a dream trip!
It's been a week since I returned and with it came a cold and jetlag so I have been slow in getting posts about my experiences out.
Hopefully, I will start reporting on RootsTech London next week and start getting everyone excited about RootsTech 2020 in Salt Lake!
Did you attend RootsTech London?
What was your favorite part?
What had you doing the Happy Dance this week?
Share your discovery!

I never have a favourite. I think seeing all the happy faces and catching up with friends is always great. This time I got to catch up with a DNA cousin, a regular cousin, family I had never met and visit lots of archives. Plus a fab conference.
ReplyDeleteSo fun! Loved seeing you there!!