Wednesday, August 28, 2024

GenFriends Genealogy Chat Show: WWI Women's Registration Card Collections with Amber Oldenburg

The panel—Melissa Barker, Jenny Hawran, Laura Hedgecock, Shelley Murphy, and I—welcomes Amber Oldenburg to share a record group none of us had ever heard of!

Watch as we learn about the National Women's Committee Registration Cards, their value in our research of the women in our family, and where to look for them.

Have you used these records?

We'd love to hear from you.

If you discover cards, please share where you found them with Amber!

                             "The Spirit of Woman Power" by Paul Honore, 1917.                                                       

 Links in this episode:

One Branch at a Time

Unveiling the Forgotten Records: The 1917 Registration of Women and its Significance for Family Historians

WWI Woman’s Committee of the Council of National Defense Registration Card Collections

 Contact the panelists:

Melissa Barker -A Genealogist in the Archives

Bernice Bennett-Geniebroots

Jenny Hawran-Like Herding Cats Genealogy

Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories

Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy

Shelley Murphey-Family Tree Girl

Thank you so much for watching!

Don't miss an episode. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

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Helping you climb your family tree,

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

GenFriends Genealogy Chat Show: Cemetery Preservation with Jenny Hawran

The panel Melissa Barker, Jenny Hawran, Laura Hedgecock, Shelley Murphy, Mary Kircher Roddy, and I get together to hear Jenny's experience working with Atlas Preservation to preserve a cemetery in her local area. 

Watch as Jenny shares her experience learning how to clean the stones and how they can be repaired and straightened. 

Have you helped with cleaning and preserving a cemetery?

We'd love to hear from you!

Links in this episode:

 Contact the panelists:

Melissa Barker -A Genealogist in the Archives

Bernice Bennett-Geniebroots

Jenny Hawran-Like Herding Cats Genealogy

Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories

Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy

Shelley Murphey-Family Tree Girl

Thank you so much for watching!

Don't miss an episode. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

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Helping you climb your family tree,

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

GenFriends Genealogy Chat Show with Guest Brian Rhinehart from


The panel Melissa Barker, Bernice Bennett, Jenny Hawran, Laura Hedgecock,  Mary Kircher Roddy, and I  welcome Brian Rhinehart from

Watch as Brian shares examples of records found at the National Archives and the information they contain that can help you with your family history research. Brian also shares how he can help you find them!

Many of these documents you may have never heard of or known about could contain your family. And it's not just civil war records. 

There are stories in the records! Sometimes, scandalous ones.

Bernice has spent many hours at NARA and shares her experience, too.

Thanks, Brian, for joining us!

Have you found your ancestor's records in the National Archives?

We'd love to hear from you!

Links in this episode:

Civil War Records on Facebook

 Contact the panelists:

Melissa Barker -A Genealogist in the Archives

Bernice Bennett-Geniebroots

Jenny Hawran-Like Herding Cats Genealogy

Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories

Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy

Shelley Murphey-Family Tree Girl

Thank you so much for watching!

Don't miss an episode. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

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Helping you climb your family tree,

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Celebration Sunday-Genealogy Happy Dance! Finding Evidence to Connect a Family.


 You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone that you found the document, contacted a cousin with the family Bible, made a DNA connection, or found a new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.

                                                          Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries. 
This weekly series enables everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment. 
Share by scrolling 
down and add your story to the comments section, or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.

The Watchman and Southron
Sumter, South Carolina · Wednesday, August 16, 1916, pg. 5. 
( accessed: 10 August 2024), person of interest: Mrs. Mary Seymour.

My Happy Dance this week?

I love researching in historical newspapers. Many fun stories and articles can be used to connect families. To find documents to help prove a parent/child relationship, I came across an obituary of a woman who was the sister of my ancestor. In the article, it names her father and two of her brothers. One of these is my ancestor. I have many records confirming the siblings. This article shows that since the daughter named her father, the siblings were likely his children, too. 
Now, I can combine the records I have previously found with this article to develop a working hypothesis about my ancestor's father. 

One step closer to the proof I have been looking for has me doing that happy dance!

What's your Happy Dance Moment?

 Please share, and let's celebrate together!


Looking forward to reading about your Happy Dance moment!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,