Sunday, February 9, 2025

This Week On My Family History Calendar-A Birth and a Death

February 9 ~

 Catherine Ann (Singleton) Dargan (1729-1808), my paternal 6th great-grandmother, was born in Virginia 296 years ago. Her parents were Robert Singleton and Ann. Catherine may have been called by her middle name, Ann. She was the wife of  Capt. John Dargan (1726-1766) and lived in Sumter County, South Carolina.

Headstone of Benjamin Allen Hudson
Sumter City Cemetery

Feb. 14~
 My paternal grandfather, Benjamin Allen Hudson (1918-1976), died 49 years ago in Lake City, Florence, South Carolina. He was 57 years old when he suffered a heart attack. 

We miss you, "Pop."

Who are you remembering this week?

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

Celebration Sunday-Genealogy Happy Dance! Adding to My Grandmother's Story Using Full -Text Search


You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone that you found the document, contacted a cousin with the family Bible, made a DNA connection, or found a new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.

                                                          Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries. 
This weekly series enables everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment. 
Share by scrolling 
down and add your story to the comments section, or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.

My Happy Dance Moment for the week:

Have you tried Full-Text Search from FamilySearch? Since its release, it has been a source of happy dance moments for me and others. 

This week, I discovered a document naming my grandmother and her sisters as plaintiffs in a court case. Their mother, Loretta McManus Daughrity, took out a loan before her death and had not paid it. 

Source: "Sumter, South Carolina, United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Feb 9,2025), image 452 of 485.

This court document deals with the foreclosure of the Daughrity home in Sumter, South Carolina, and a plaintiff claiming their mother borrowed money from her before her death and wanted her money paid back out of the sale of the home.

Stories get lost if not told, and finding documents can help us discover them but also have us asking so many more questions. I talked to my grandmother many times about her parents, their home, and the death of her parents.

She never told me that the house went into foreclosure. 

It sat empty for several years and then was lost to a fire.

Finding about more had me doing that dance this week?

What was your happy dance moment?

Share your Happy Dance Moment for the week, and let's celebrate together!

 Thanks so much for stopping by!

Helping you climb your family tree,

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

GenFriends Genealogy Chat Show: Learning from Finding Your Roots Season 11: Episodes 1-4

The panel Melissa Barker, Jenny Hawran, Laura Hedgecock, and I get together to discuss the records found, stories discovered, and tips researchers can learn from watching Finding Your Roots. On this GenFriends, we discuss the reveals for the celebrities on episodes 1-4 of Season 11. 

Have you watched and learned anything that can help you with your research?

We'd love to know!

Links in this episode:

Finding Your Roots

FamilySearch Wiki

 Contact the panelists:

Melissa Barker -A Genealogist in the Archives

Bernice Bennett-Geniebroots

Jenny Hawran-Like Herding Cats Genealogy

Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories

Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy

Shelley Murphey-Family Tree Girl

Thank you so much for watching!

Don't miss an episode. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Helping you climb your family tree,

Monday, February 3, 2025

And the Winner's Are........


RootsTech 2025 will be held in person and online in Salt Lake City, Utah, from March 6-8, 2025.

The world's largest family history conference is a unique opportunity to build family history skills and join the global community in celebrating, finding, and connecting with family. 

To learn more about RootsTech, visit the website here

As a member of the RootsTech 2025 Media, I am thrilled to be able to give away two tickets to attend the conference live in person! The tickets will cover the entrance fee but not travel, hotel, food, or any other costs involved in attending in Salt Lake City.  

The winners were chosen randomly by an online name picker called "

Thanks to everyone who entered! I wish I could give a free ticket to you all, but I only have two, and the winners are:

Congratulations to Charlene and Chris!

See you in Salt Lake!