Randy Seaver from
Genea-Musings has issued this
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun mission ~
1) We're going to do
a little bit of Semi-Random Research tonight...what is your first name? [This
is the easy part!]
2) Go to your family
tree database of choice (you know, like RootsMagic, Reunion, Ancestry Member
Tree), and determine who the first person in your alphabetical name index is
with a surname starting with the first two letters of your first name (e.g., my
first name is RAndall, so I'm looking for the first person with a surname
starting with RA). [If there are no
surnames with those first two letters, take the surname after that letter
3) What do you know
about this person based on your research?
It's OK to do more if you need to - in fact, it's encouraged!
4) How are you
related to this person, and why is s/he in your family tree?
5) Tell us about it
in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook
Status post or Google+ Stream post.
My results~
1) My first name is Cheri
2) I looked in my Legacy surname index for the first person whose surname started with
CH and came up with
George Chandler who died in Darlington County, SC about 1820.
3) What do I know about him? Not much! I have been told that he married
Margaret Hawthorn. I descend from their daughter
Margaret Elizabeth Chandler.
George Chandler was my paternal 5th Great Grandfather and the end of the line for this family.
I haven't worked on this line for quite a while. I decided to so some searches on Google and on Ancestry.com. I was able to find someone who is researching the Chandlers and may have information on George and his family. Hopefully I will get a response to the message I sent asking for help.
Thanks Randy for this mission tonight. I don't know when I would get back to researching the Chandlers without it!
© Cheri Hudson Passey