Monday, October 21, 2019

GenFriends: A New Leaf Episode 3 and Relative Race Season 6: Day 5

GenFriends, Melissa Barker, Shelley Murphy, Mary Kircher Roddy and I had so much fun discussing this week's genealogy TV.

Before we began, we had to take a few minutes to honor our friend Mary Kircher Roddy who recently received her Certified Genealogist credential! We are so proud of her and knew she could do the work it takes to earn the title.  On top of that, she had an article published in the
National Genealogical Society Quarterly Magazine! The photo of her great grandmother graces the cover.
We are so proud of you Mary!
You can find out more about the NGSQ magazine and how you can get this important publication by clicking here.

On to the 3rd episode of A New Leaf. This week a young man named Joseph Carnegay was curious about his father's family. He wanted to know if the family story that they were related to the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie was true.   Ancestry DNA showed that he had 17% Scottish/Irish ancestry. Andrew Carnegie's family was from Scotland.
Creating an ancestry tree showed that the family name was indeed theirs and that Joseph and Andrew Carnegie shared a 6th great grandfather, James Carnegie. This connection makes Joseph and Andrew 7th cousins 5 times removed.  Joseph is related to Andrew Carnegie.
Joseph wanted to share this information with his father and was able to do so.
Family stories can be untrue, or like this one, researched and proved to have substance.

If you missed this episode of A New Leaf, you can watch it here.

Relative Race Day 5 was an emotional roller coaster ride!

Team Green's DeShae found out that her Uncle Gary was actually looking for a daughter! He told DeShae that he was hoping when he was contacted by the show that it would be her.
You can bet DeShae and Chris will do all that they can to help Uncle Gary find his daughter.
They were very excited to be off to Louisianna for the next leg of their race!

Nicole and Ray from Team Red left their relatives home with the knowledge of having won a tip form the upcoming challenge that day. They were told where to find it and it was .....chopsticks!
They did come into play later in the day! Ray and Nicole were headed to Winston-Salem, NC.

Team Blue received a gift of plants form Anitra's cousin who told her "the plants are like a new relationship, if you water and take care of it, it will grow" Love it! They then were off to Rock Hill, SC where Anitra grew up!

J.D. of Team Black expressed how hard it was to leave his sister on Day 5. A promise of meeting halfway in a month's time helped him off for the next leg in Colorado. Before leaving she presented him with photos of their meeting the previous day. So moving!

The teams seem to have their selfies down pat and moved quickly to their challenge.
The Sumo Slack Line!  Each team member was in huge Sumo suits and had to walk along a line to grab a piece of sushi with -you guessed it-chopsticks! After grabbing the food they had to walk back down the slackline and put it on a plate. Retrieve 4 and you were finished.
Not as easy as one might think with those overblown Sumo suits on.  Nice to have some comedy relief!

Team Green's Chris was able to meet another family member. This time a second cousin who had been adopted. She told Chris that he was the first biological family member she had ever met. And, now because of him, she was going to be able to connect with family! We love it when others are helped by the show as well as the teams!

Ray from Team Red met a cousin on his mother's side. She was able to share with him more about his mother's life including a proclamation naming a day after her in the town she was from. He also was able to see a photo of his grandfather and get his name to add to his chart. Watching Ray add names to his pedigree chart is so touching!

Team Black's J.D. met a cousin who was able to show him a photo of his father as a young boy. In it were his grandparents and an aunt. The cousin told him that if he talked to his Aunt Linda, he would be able to find out much more information on his father.  J.D.'s love and acceptance of each of his new family members is heartwarming. We are so happy for him!

The meeting of the relatives was emotional and had us in tears and then Anitra and Paul pulled up to their relative's house. Anitra asked "whose relative are you?" and was told, " I am your sister".
Que the tears-again! How could we not cry when they just stood and held each other and took in and processed the moment. After a time, they were able to talk and Anitra learned her mother had died at the age of 22 in an accident that caused a heart attack. All those years she asked her sister was being raised by her mom now had a new story. The sister, in fact, was raised by her grandmother.
They have much to catch up on and hopefully, Anitra will get the answers she needs.

Day 5 was an emotional journey for each of the teams and ended as usual with the Skype call as each team shared who they met and showed support and love for each other.
But, someone had to come in last so the results were announced.
In first place was Team Blue who will receive a next day benefit of getting step by step directions to their relative's house on Day 6.
Second Place went to Team Black
Third to Team Green
And last to Team Red giving them two strikes.

Dan then told them there would be something different in their cars the next day!
Wonder what it could be?

If you missed watching Day 6 you can do so here.

Watch as GenFriends discusses these episodes:

Did you know that Team Blue-Paul and Anitra are doing a Podcast called 
"After the Race" that comes out on Wednesdays?
We never can get enough Relative Race!
Here's the link!

Contact our panelists:
Melissa Barker-A Genealogist in the Archives
Shelley Murphy-Family Tree Girl
Mary Kircher Roddy -MKR Genealogy
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy

We'd love to hear your thoughts about Day 5!
Didn't get to see it or want to watch it again?
Here's the link.  Or download the app.

                                                                                                        Spread the word!
                                                                                      Click on the button below to tweet!

Don't miss an episode! Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow this blog!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Off to RootsTech London!

For almost a year we have been hearing about and planning for RootsTech London and now the time is almost here! In just a few short days the Excell London will be full of genealogists and family historians who are there to build their skills, meet new friends and reunite with others.

My journey begins tomorrow as I travel from South Carolina to London. To say I am excited is an understatement. This will not be the first time I have been in England. I lived there for 41/2 years as the daughter of a US AirForce Flight Engineer. But, it's been a long time and to be truthful, as an adolescent I didn't appreciate the history and culture of my home at the time.

My favorite memories are feeling connections at historical sites, some of which I hope to make a family connection to someday,  eating Flake Bars and Malteezers and many other English candies. Drinking Orange Squash is a memory that comes back many times as does Fish and Chips. Speaking of chips, they are french fries you know, chips are called Crisps and the English have the best varieties of flavors of any place I have ever been!
I loved riding the big red double-decker buses back and forth to friend's houses and the train from time to time to London. Frequent visits to local stores to purchase said candy and drinks, plus the latest records and magazines that featured Donny and his brothers The Osmonds and other popular pop stars of the time.  On the TV we watched "Top of the Pops" and American TV shows like the Waltons and the Donny and Marie Show. We also laughed at the antics of "Basil Brush" and knew mom would be watching "Coronation Street".
So, as I prepare to leave for London, I think back to all the memories and am anxious to relive some of those. My best friend I met while we were stationed there will be meeting at Heathrow. Our plan is to relive some of those fun times we had together. We'll take a train to Ipswich and ride the double-decker down to Woodbridge Town.  Perhaps the homes we lived in are still there the way we think of them. We will have some Fish and Chips, Orange Squash and at least a Flake or two. We may turn on the TV and look for some old episodes of Coronation Street for old time's sake.

Shenanigans in England form 1972-1976

So, as I prepare to leave for London, I think back to all the memories and am anxious to relive some of those. My best friend I met while we were stationed there will be meeting me at Heathrow.
Our plan is to relive some of those fun times we had together. We'll take a train to Ipswich and ride the double-decker down to Woodbridge Town.  Perhaps the homes we lived in are still there the way we think of them. We will have some Fish and Chips, Orange Squash and at least a Flake or two. 
We may turn on the TV and look for some old episodes of Coronation Street for old time's sake.

RootsTech London is an opportunity for me to enjoy being around and learning from other genealogists but is also a way to go back in time for a few days to when we were teenagers and remember the stories of us. Friends who are still best friends today.

Still want to register for RootsTechLondon?
It's not too late- click on this link to get your pass!

There will be a Livestream available so you can watch the Keynote Speakers and some of the classes each day. To sign up click here.

A Premium Virtual Pass is also being offered. 
To pay for and order your Virtual Pass click here.

Recently announced is the Free Acess to the Expo Hall for those not attending the whole conference.
Go to the RootsTech Registration Page and sign up to just be able to explore the expo hall. With an amazing number of vendors displaying all things genealogy, this offer can't be beat!

And if you have downloaded the RootstTech London app yet, there's still time to do it and get organized to make the best of this amazing conference. Click here for IOS or Android Downloads.

For those of you who will be attending RootsTech London, please drop by the media hub in the Expo Hall and say hello! Would love to see you again or meet you for the first time!
I've been practicing my selfie skills! lol!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

This Week On My Family History Calendar

October 20-October 26

Oct. 20~
  My paternal 4th Great Grandmother, Emily Elizabeth (Vaughn) Dargan (1795-1863) was born 219 years ago. She lived most of her life in Sumter District, South Carolina and may have been born there as well. Her parents were William Vaughn (1764-1857) and Alice (Cook) Vaughn (1774-1859).

Oct. 22~
  Loretta "Etta" (McManus) Daughrity (1894-1936), my maternal great grandmother was born 125 years ago in Sumter County, South Carolina. Her parents were William A. McManus (1854-1914) and Frances "Fannie" Virginia (McRady) McManus (1856-1903).  Etta is said to have been adopted. 

Loretta "Etta" (McManus) Daughrity
About 1904

Oct. 24~
    The 26th anniversary of the death of my paternal great grandmother is on this day. Emma Ruth (Baker) Early (1901-1993) died in Columbia, Richland, South Carolina from congestive heart failure at the age of 92.  She is buried in Sumter Cemetery, Sumter, South Carolina.
Emma Ruth (Baker) Early
Sumter City Cemetery, Sumter, South Carolina

Who are you remembering this week?

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Helping you climb your family tree,

Celebration Sunday-Genealogy Happy Dance!

You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone around that you found the document, contacted a cousin who has the family Bible, made a DNA connection or found a whole new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.

                                                          Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries. 
This is a weekly series to enable everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment. 

Share by scrolling down and adding your story to the comments section or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.

My Happy Dance Moment for this week: 
Ambassador interviews opened up a few days ago for the keynote speakers for RootsTech London.
My goal? To be able to get a spot for each of them and in particular my fav Donny Osmond!
I had to get up at 2am my time to catch the opening of the signups at 7am England time!
And? Yep! Happy Dance! I get to interview Donny! Woot!
Can't wait! 

What had you doing the Happy Dance this week?


                                                                                              Share your discovery!
                                                                                         Let the dancing commence!

Share the fun! Click below to tweet this post! 

Looking forward to reading about your Happy Dance moment!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

GenFriends: A New Leaf-Episode 2 & Relative Race Season 6-Day 4

This week Melissa Barker and Shelley Murphy join me to discuss two genealogy TV shows.
First, we talk about A New Leaf Episode 2.  This time we join Anthony as he desires to learn more about his southern roots. He and his wife Jasmine are ready to start a family and would like to be able to tell their children about their family history. Jasmine knows much about her Philippine heritage, but Anthony knows little about his. The folks at Ancestry were able to extend his paternal line to a soldier in the Revolutionary War. It seems Anthony has longevity genes in his line as two of his ancestors lived to be over 100 years old. Anthony is able to learn about a Civil War ancestor who deserted the Confederacy and join the Union Army and how his Revolutionary War ancestor ended up in Kentucky by receiving Bounty Land for his service. Anthony is a comedian and wanted to take what he learned about his family history and use it in his routine. He was able to do just that and show his audience photos of those in his paternal line.

Check your local listings to see when A New Leaf will air on NBC in your area. 
You can also watch it on

Day 4 of Relative Race was stressful and emotional for the teams.
As usual, they had us laughing, and crying with them!

Team Black started out the day with the advantage of not having to take their city selfie.
Before leaving her cousin's home, Jenn was gifted with needlework from her great grandmother. What a treasure! She remarked that it made her seem more real to her.
We all agree that it is amazing to hold something our ancestor's once held.

Team Green left DeShae's Uncle Dave with gratitude for finding another member of her family but still looking for information on her biological parents. 

Team Blue started Day 4 with a dance party! Anitra and cousin LaShandra celebrated finding each other but they quickly realized they had to finish packing!

Team Red was ready to go! They were packed and in their car as they waited for Dan's text letting them know where they would be traveling to find their next relative!

Frustrations came for all four teams as the day progressed.  Funeral processions, traffic jams, accidentally going to the wrong address and not being able to locate the correct street all played a part in a very difficult day.

The challenge didn't help!  Sling and Fling was crazy! Sitting on a cart, one team member had to pull back on a slingshot and fling the other across the room while they threw balls at targets. They had to hit 8 to complete the task.  Antira commented that she hoped the camera caught her almost dying when she and the cart hit the wall. As a matter of fact, everyone was hitting the wall!   DeShae hit the wall emotionally and had to take a few minutes to get herself together. It looked as if she may have had a panic attack as she was hyperventilating. All teams finally made it through and were off to meet their relatives.

Comedy relief came from Team Blue as Paul shared his version of Siri giving directions a la Anitra! So funny! Apparently, DeShae is not fond of whistling -she gave Chris a death glare as he was whistling his way along the open road! I feel for you DeShae! lol!

Team Blue's Anitra met yet another cousin on her biological father's side!
She said she is feeling "fuller and fuller".
Ray from Team Red met a first cousin who told him he looked just like their shared grandmother! This seemed to help Ray feel more connected and centered than he has so far in the journey. It was wonderful to watch him add another name to his chart!
DeShae, Team Green, met another uncle! She is slowly crossing people off her list of possibilities! Unfortunately, he was not able to help her identify which of his siblings is her biological parent.
Team Black's JD was introduced to his sister! The resemblance was amazing! He also learned he had a brother as well who looked so much like him! JD remarked he felt more complete and at peace. What an experience to witness. 
We are grateful that all the teams are sharing their stories!

The Skype call was emotional as each team talked about the stressful events of the day and introduced their newfound relatives. Again, we were so touched with the bonding that has taken place between these 4 teams.

The results had Team Red coming in first place and earning the benefit for Day 5 of help with the challenge. No other information on that except for it will be some kind of tip to help them get through it easier.  That should really help with Team Red's time on Day 5!
In second place was Team Blue
Third, Team Black who had such a hard time when they mistook the street name and went to the wrong side of town.
And, in last place was Team Green. DeShae and Chris received their first strike, making a hard day even harder.
Each team now has a strike.

Didn't get to see it or want to watch it again?
Here's the link.  Or download the app.

Click below to watch as GenFriends talks about both of these genealogy TV shows!

We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Did you know that Team Blue-Paul and Anitra are doing a Podcast called 
"After the Race" that comes out on Wednesdays?
We never can get enough Relative Race!
Here's the link!

Contact our panelists:
Melissa Barker-A Genealogist in the Archives
Shelley Murphy-Family Tree Girl
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy

We'd love to hear your thoughts about Day 4!
Didn't get to see it or want to watch it again?
Here's the link.  Or download the app.

                                                                                                        Spread the word!
                                                                                      Click on the button below to tweet!

Don't miss an episode! Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow this blog!
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Helping you climb your family tree,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

This Week On My Family History Calendar

October 13-October 19

Oct. 13~
  The 107th wedding anniversary of my maternal great grandparents, Manning David Daughrity, Jr. (1889-1931) and Loretta (McManus) Daughrity (1834-1936). David was 23 and Etta 17 when they married in Bishopville, Lee, South Carolina. 

David and Etta Daughrity
Marriage License 
 My 5th great grandmother, Mary (Strother) Dargan (1772-1822) died 197 years ago in Sumter District, South Carolina. 

Oct. 20~
  My paternal 4th Great Grandmother, Emily Elizabeth (Vaughn) Dargan (1795-1863) was born 222 years ago. She lived most of her life in Sumter District, South Carolina and may have been born there as well. Her parents were William Vaughn (1764-1857) and Alice (Cook) Vaughn (1774-1859).

Who are you remembering this week?

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Helping you climb your family tree,

Celebration Sunday~Genealogy Happy Dance!

You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone around that you found the document, contacted a cousin who has the family Bible, made a DNA connection or found a whole new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.

                                                          Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries. 
This is a weekly series to enable everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment. 

Share by scrolling down and adding your story to the comments section or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.

Watching Relative Race with Some Grandkids

My Happy Dance Moment for this week: 
There's nothing better than spending time with grandkids!
For the last two weeks, I have been babysitting while my son and his wife were out of the country. We went out to eat, did homework,  kept up with chores, read stories and went to singing, piano, and track!  We also headed to Balloon Fiesta Park to see the hot air balloons!
We event watched Relative Race together! I had no idea they were fans!
What a great two weeks. So many memories made and happy dances moments!


                                                                                              Share your discovery!
                                                                                         Let the dancing commence!

Share the fun! Click below to tweet this post! 

Looking forward to reading about your Happy Dance moment!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

GenFriends: Special Guest Jennifer Utley from A New Leaf and Season 6- Day 3 of Relative Race!

Two genealogy TV shows this week had us doing double duty this week on GenFriends.
Melissa Barker and I welcomed special guest Jennifer Utley to talk about the new show from Ancestry called "A New Leaf"  This 30-minute broadcast is now part of the Saturday morning  line up of NBC's 
Jennifer explained that the concept for the show is to use everyday people and find out what inspired them to want to begin their family history journey. Historical perspective and how connecting with your past can help put things into perspective today and in the future.
This show is meant to be for a younger audience. Pop up explanations on research and events in history are shown throughout the show. It is hoped that people will be engaged, learn and become interested in discovering their own family roots.
The first episode of "A New Leaf" features a young woman named Nadia who desires to learn about her African American heritage. Her desire is to be able to choreograph a dance using the elements of the story that is uncovered.  Using DNA, building a family tree and a visit by a historian on African American dance, Nadia and her mother Stephanie are able to learn about many generations of their family.  They are able to read an ancestor's own words in a Slave Narrative and get inspiration form family photos.  Nadia is able to craft her dance for her master's project using all that she learned and felt from those who had gone before. 
There will be 11 episodes of "A New Leaf" with two additional episodes recapping the journeys and sharing how beginning their family history has affected them.

If you missed the first episode, you can watch it here.

After our interview with Jenn, we moved on to our discussion on Relative Race!
We are on Day 3 of Season 6!

Day 3 started with Team Black, J.D., and Jenn finding it difficult to get moving! Melissa and I agreed we would have been feeling the same way! It must be exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally!
Team Blue's Anitra was given copies of the photographs her cousin had shown her the night before.
Ray from Team Red was still trying to process the information he had received on Day 2 about the passing of his biological mother. Ray touched all of our hearts as he asked "Why? Why was he the one given up for adoption? Why did his biological mother keep his older brother and not him?"
It's everyone's hope for Ray that these questions are answered in a way that is healing for him on this journey.
Team Green started the day with the knowledge they had the advantage of having their relatives guide them to their home instead of using paper maps! They also received a wonderful, inspirational poster form Chris' cousin's 12-year-old daughter.

With their new destinations texted to them, it was time for each team to hit the road.
Team Black tried texting uplifting words to the other teams, but like many of us would do on a flip phone, JD was having trouble! At one point he texted the wrong team!! lol!

Goo Goo Blah Blah, was the name of the challenge each team had to get through before getting the address to their relative's home.  A series of phrases spoken by toddlers had to be deciphered. At first, it seemed it should be easy enough, especially for those with children and grandchildren. That was not the case as these toddlers were saying some crazy phrases! Closing your eyes seemed to help a bit!  Another fun game that would be perfect for a family reunion!

As the teams raced to their relative's homes, Team's Blue and Red had trouble with getting directions from locals. It seemed no one knew where the streets were!
Team Black was able to arrive without too much trouble and of course, Team Green had their relative on the phone the whole way giving them directions!

Team Black met Jenn's 1st cousin who was able to share some WWII history with her. She had a letter from a great uncle who died in the war and explained to Jenn that he had received the purple heart. Jenn discovered that her own father was in possession of the medal!

Anitra from Team Blue was able to meet another cousin on her father's side. This time she was welcomed by a first cousin who was raised by their shared grandmother! Anitra was assured that her family had wanted her and that her grandmother had tried to adopt her but for some reason, it wasn't allowed.   Anitra is moving forward and getting so many answers to her questions!

Team Green's DeShae met her Uncle David! It is most likely that one of his siblings is DeShae's biological parent, but he had no idea which it is. He explained he had been estranged from the family for several years around the time she would have been conceived.  Although he couldn't help her with the answer to her question of who was her parent, he did give her a copy-the the last copy-of the Love Family history and gave her several photos of her ancestors. As Melissa says in this GenFreinds episode, DeShae met many family members on Day 3!

For Team Red's Ray, another cousin connection gave him another new name to add to his chart. That name was his brother's name. Ray was able to see photos of his big brother and see how similar they were. Both played football and as Ray remarked when looking at his brother's football photo, they also most went to the same college and their football photos were very similar. The question of "Why" remained unanswered on Day 3.

The Skype call again was full of support and love for and by each team. This season the teams have truly bonded and are behind each other's quest to find biological family.

The winner of Day 3 receives a benefit of not having to take the selfie when reaching their relative's hometown!
And that winner was Team Black!
They came in only 3 minutes behind their allotted time!
We all thought it would be Team Greem because of their benefit in having Uncle David guide them to his home!
Unfortunately for Team Red, they received their first strike of the race.

Can't wait to see what Day 4 has in store for everyone!

Watch as Melissa Barker and I welcome Jennifer Utley to talk about "A New Leaf" and then turn the time over to Day 3 of Relative Race!

On this week's episode of Genfriends, Melissa and I talk about an interview Dan did with Extreme
Genes. Here's the link. The interview is about 11 minutes in, but take some time and listen to the whole show! It's well worth it!

Contact our panelists:
Melissa Barker-A Genealogist in the Archives
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy

We'd love to hear your thoughts about Day 3!
Didn't get to see it or want to watch it again?
Here's the link.  Or download the app.

                                                                                                        Spread the word!
                                                                                      Click on the button below to tweet!

Don't miss an episode! Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow this blog!
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Helping you climb your family tree,