Thursday, March 19, 2015

52 Ancestors Week 11: A Lucky 9% Irish

 According to my DNA test, I am 9% Irish which is the topic of this week's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2015 Edition. Ethnicity Estimate

    From my maternal line, I have the Daughrity family. My Grandmother, Azile Juanita (Daughrity) Roberts Sullivan (1921-2009) once told me that the Daughrity's hailed from Ireland. Her Grandfather and his brother were said to have come to America during the Potato Famine in the mid-1800's. Searching for the family in the Sumter, South Carolina area has debunked that story. Records for her grandfather, Manning David Daughrity, Sr. (1814-1918) indicate that he was born in South Carolina as were his siblings and parents. It looks as if the Daughrity/Dorrity/Dougherty family has been in South Carolina since at least the early 1800's well before the Great Famine of 1845-1852. Did they come from Ireland? With a name like that, probably. I just need to discover when, why and just who those two brothers may have been.

   Teige Cantey (1621-1679), my paternal 9th Great Grandfather, was born in Ireland about 1621 and lived for some time in Barbados before coming to Charleston, South Carolina in the mid to late 1670's. Some claim that Tiege and wife Elisabeth were from County Cork. I am not aware of any documentation that proves their place of origin.

The following description of the inventory of Tiege Cantey's belongings after his death is entertaining:
  "The inventory of Teige Cantey's estate, with its bill of expenses for wine and rum in connection with a funeral, would seem plainly to indicate that the family was of Irish descent." 
Source: Six generations of the Cantey family of South Carolina (1910) Author: Ames, Joseph Sweetman, 1864-1943 Publisher: Charleston, S.C., Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., pg.3

   Does wine and rum at your funeral mean you are Irish? Well, maybe, but a trip to Ireland may be in order to find those 
supporting documents.

Are we kin? Please, contact me. Together we can find our people.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. HA -- yes, wine and rum certainly point to Irish-ness. No mention of Guinness, so the jury is still out.

    1. Hahaha, Wendy! Not so sure that this is indirect evidece. ;)
