You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone that you found the document, contacted a cousin with the family Bible, made a DNA connection, or found a new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.
My Happy Dance Moment for this week:
Getting my to-do list done for the week so I can pack and prepare for my trip to Sandusky for the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference has been a struggle, but I did it and am celebrating.
This week I had :
3 webinars to present
7 Cases to work on
2 reports for a Peer Review homework assignment for a SLIG course
4 presentations to update and get ready for the conference next week.
Whew, done, and I am ready to pack!
Will you be in Sandusky? I hope to see you there!
Looking forward to reading about your Happy Dance moment!

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