You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone that you found the document, contacted a cousin with the family Bible, made a DNA connection, or found a new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.
My Happy Dance Moment for this week:
It was a privilege to be part of the first day of the Legacy Family Tree Webinar's"Webtember" Event. Sharon Gillens, a friend and college, joined me in a presentation entitled:
"Descendants of the Enslaved and Enslavers: Working Together to Discover Family"
We felt this conversation is important to share with the genealogy community.
We were happy that it seemed to go well. and were thrilled to receive comments and questions at the end of the hours. We have received emails asking more.
That was happy dance enough, but then we received this wonderful review from Marian Pierre-Louis, who hosted the webinar.
"About once a year a presentation is delivered that elevates the genealogy profession and community. For me, this year, this is that presentation.Sharon Batiste Gillins and Cheri Hudson Passey have exhibited professionalism and vision and deserve accolades for their work. I hope many people will take the opportunity to watch this valuable work.Descendants of the Enslaved and Enslavers – Working Together to Discover Family by Sharon Batiste Gillins and Cheri Hudson Passey."
Needless to say, we are honored by her kind words. We hope that our work will help many be encouraged to work together and connect families.
Let's all commit to saying their names!
If you missed the webinar, you can view it here:
Looking forward to reading about your Happy Dance moment!

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