Sunday, March 21, 2021

This Week On My Family History Calendar

March 22~

 This day would have been the 127th birthday of my paternal great grandfather, William Treadford Roberts (1894-1959).
 He was the son of George Phillip Roberts (1856-1930) and Hattie (Brazell) Roberts (1870-1927) and was born in Richland County, South Carolina. 

Yesterday -March 20, 2021, I spent part of the day in Camden, SC visiting the home he built in 1949  Cand riding around the Hermitage Mill Village where he worked in the mid to late 1940s.  Always humbling to walk where they walked.

William Treadford Roberts
©Cheri Hudson Passey

March 25-
  My Maternal 3rd Great Grandmother, Eliza Atiza Brazell Roberts (1836-1890), would be celebrating her 185th birthday. Eliza was born in Richland County, S.C. to John Brazell (1794-?) and Martha Parnold Brazell (1795-1876).   

Eliza (Brazell) Roberts
Brown's Chapel Cemetary
Richland County, South Carolina

Who are you remembering this week?

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Heping you climb your family tree,


  1. I like this idea of remembering them in a particular week. I’ve done this with specific days, but may do this style once in a while too.

    1. Thank, Diane! I find it helps me remember and also gets their names out on the internet for cousins to find me!
