Wednesday, May 6, 2020

GenFriends: Talking DNA with Special Guest Diahan Southard

In this episode of GenFriends, we welcome Diahan Southard, CEO of Diahan is a popular speaker at genealogy conferences and has just published a new book called "Your DNA Guide-The Book".

Watch as Cheri and the panel, Melissa Barker, Bernice Bennett, Dan Earl, Laura Hedgecock, Shelley Murphy, and Mary Kircher Roddy talk with Diahan as she shares her expertise with testing and her thoughts about the future of genetic genealogy. What if you have never tested and your not sure you want to? Diahan addresses that issue too.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Your DNA Guide-The Book
Your DNA Guide YouTube Channel

Contact Our Panelists:
Melissa Barker -A Genealogists in the Archives
Bernice Bennett-Geniebroots
Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories
Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy
Shelley Murphey-The Family Tree Girl
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy

Have you taken a DNA test?
What did you learn?
We'd love to hear from you!

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