Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday Before RootsTech~The Fun Begins!

As genealogists from all over the world began descending on Salt Lake City for the start of RootsTech 2017 the fun was also beginning for those of us who had already arrived.
Genealogy Blogger lunch at the Blue Lemon.
We took over the restaurant uniting with old friends and making new ones!
Thanks to Pat Richley-Erickson for planning the get together.

RootsTech Ambassadors received a tour of the new Discovery Center recently opened on the first floor of the Family History Center.

First Floor Welcome

Discovery Center helping to find our families

Just dock the provided ipad

Discover where you are from
What was happening when you were born?

Who are you related to?
Use the computers to further your search

 There is so much more to do with photo booths, recording studios and other interactive stations.
For more information and to plan a visit https://familysearch.org/discovery/

The day ended with a dinner proved by FamilySearch for media representatives and the RootsTech Ambassadors.

Thank you FamilySearch for a delicious meal!

The cartoonist

The gifts
Memories of Family foods and meal traditions was a big theme this year!
And the fun had by all!

Proud to be part of this wonderful group!
The ladies from the In-depth Genealogist.

Media and Ambassador Photo 2017

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