Thursday, February 26, 2015

52 Ancestors Week 8: Naturally Kindhearted~William Mcmanus

Good Deeds is the topic for Week 8 of the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2015 Edition.
       Researching my maternal Great Great Grandfather, William A. McManus (1854-1914) has lead me to believe that he was a generous, kind man.
 Not much is known at this time about William's parents or where he grew up except for census records recording his birth place as South Carolina. 
 According to Bible records and a newspaper account, W.A. McManus, as he is often listed in records, married Francis "Fannie" Virginia McRady (1856-1903) on 11 Dec. 1872 in Sumter County, South Carolina.

     William McManus was a farmer and lived with his wife and children in the Spring Hill area of Sumter (now Lee) County, South Carolina. 
      Family lore says that his daughter, my maternal Great Grandmother, Loretta "Etta" (McManus) Daughrity (1894-1936) was adopted by the McManus family after she had been abandoned as a baby. Records of an adoption have not been found but along with her 1912 marriage licence is a hand written note from her father, W.A. McManus, giving permission for Etta Daughrity, his under aged,"adopted daughter" to be married. 

adopted daughter of W.A. & Fannie McManus
Pisgah Church Cemetery, Pisgah Crossroads, Sumter, South Carolina
        After visiting the family cemetery a second adopted daughter was discovered . Bessie McManus (1887-1892), shown on her headstone as "adopted daughter" was only 4 years old when she died and had not been recorded in the family Bible. 
    Two adopted daughters. I wanted to find out the story if I could. My grandmother, Azile Juanita (Daughrity) Roberts Sullivan (1921-2009) the youngest of  the five Daughrity sisters, did not remember much about the McManus family, so I talked to her oldest sister Mildred  Chrystanella (Daughrity) Jolly Finfrock (1919-2006) to see if she may have remembered any stories about her maternal grandparents and what if any thing she may have known about the adoptions. All she could tell me was that "They were just good and would take people in ".
    From W.A. McManus' obituary in the Camden Chronicle, Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, 25 Sept. 1914 comes another clue about the nature of my Great Great Grandfather.

Pisgah, Sept. 15--- Mr. W. A. McManus was buried at
Pisgah church yesterday, after services by Rev. T. L. Cole.
He lived here for many years, but died in Bishopville, where
he had been living for sometime. He did his share toward his 
fellowman, and many graves he dug without money or without 
price. Naturally kindhearted, he had many friends and relatives
who sorrow that he is no more. Peace to his ashes.

Headstone of W.A. McManus
Pisgah Church Cemetery, Pisgah Crossroads, Sumter, South Carolina

Naturally Kindhearted. One who did Good Deeds. A great Legacy.

Are we kin? Please contact me. Together we can find our people.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. I think it is wonderful that they had "adopted daughter" on their headstone.

    Robert A. Rowe

    1. It sure helps with the genealogy, but I must admit, I wouldn't put the distinction on my own adopted kids headstones. Thanks for reading and taking the time to leave a comment!
