Sunday, January 10, 2016

This Week On My Family History Calendar

Jan. 10-Jan. 16

January 10~
 The 137th wedding anniversary of my paternal Great Great Grandparents, Arthur Wellington Baker (1857-1940) and Martha Victoria (Bradford) Baker (1862-1947). Arthur was 21 and Mattie 16 when they were married in Sumter, South Carolina in 1879.

Arthur Wellington Baker

Martha Victoria (Bradford) Baker

Are we kin? Please contact me. Together we can find our people.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Arthur & Victoria were very young when they got married. I guess that was not unusual at that time.

    1. Yes. She was only 16. Times have changed! Thanks for reading my post!

    2. Yes. She was only 16. Times have changed! Thanks for reading my post!
