You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone that you found the document, contacted a cousin with the family Bible, made a DNA connection, or found a new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.
Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries.
This weekly series enables everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment.
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down and add your story to the comments section, or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.
My Happy Dance Moment for the week:
Legacy Family Tree Webinars posts a Top 10 List at the end of each year, showing the top-watched webinars and other videos.
This is a list full of speakers I admire and learn from.
Imagine my surprise when I received an email telling me I had made the list!
#3 in the list of webinar shorts
Cousin Connections-How to Find the Living
#10 on the list of TechZone videos
5 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Genealogy
To view the complete list, click here.
What an honor to be included on a list of great presenters!
And if you watch my videos on Legacy, THANK YOU!
Definitely a happy dance moment.
Share your Happy Dance Moment for the week and let's celebrate together!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,
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