The panel Laura Hedgecock, Shelley Murphy Mary Kircher Roddy, and I welcome special guest Diana Elder to take to us about her new book "Research Like a Pro with DNA".
Watch as Diana tells us about putting the book together and its purpose to help understand methodologies for using DNA, begin a project, and end with a DNA genealogy report. Support to help you work through the assignment at the end of each chapter include a Facebook group and study groups.
Chapters in the book:
1-Take a DNA Test
2-Assess Your DNA Matches and Analyze Your Pedigree
3-Organize Your DNA Matches
4-Create a Research Objective
5-Write Source Citations for DNA and Documentary Sources
6-Analyze Your Sources and Evaluate Your DNA Matches
7-Locality Research and Ethnicity
8-DNA Tools and Methodology
9-Research Planning with DNA
10-Research Logs and Writing as You Go
11-Correlating Findings and Finishing the Research Report
12-What's Next? Publishing, Productivity, and Further Education
Are you working on a DNA project?
We'd love to hear from you!
Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group
Contact the panelists: Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories
Shelley Murphey-The Family Tree Girl
Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy
Thank you so much for watching!
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