Wednesday, February 5, 2020

GenFriends: Attending SLIG and the Academy for Professionals and More!

In this episode of GenFriends, Cheri and Mary Kircher Roddy talk about their recent experiences attending the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and The Academy for Professionals. Joining in the panel are Melissa Barker and Shelley Murphy.
We also talk about other genealogy institutes held around the country and how they differ from conferences.

Watch our discussion!

Links from this episode:
SLIG Institute
Academy for Professionals

SLIG Day 5-What's Your Plan?-Mary Kircher Roddy
A Call to Action-Mary Kircher Roddy

Contact our panelists:
Melissa Barker -A Genealogists in the Archives
Shelley Murphy-Family Tree Girl
Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy

Have you attended a genealogy institute?

We'd love to hear from you!

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Helping you climb your family tree,

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