You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone around that you found the document, contacted a cousin who has the family Bible, made a DNA connection or found a whole new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.
Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries.
This is a weekly series to enable everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment.
Share by scrolling down and adding your story to the comments section or you may also put a link to a blog post telling about what had you dancing this week.
My Happy Dance This Week:
Have I mentioned that I love teaching people how to begin and continue on in their genealogy journey? Yep, I believe I have a time or two!
Coaching is another love of mine. Spending one on one time with a client who needs an extra pair of eyes to look at a problem or advice an what their next steps should be or as my client this past week wanted, suggestions on how to begin with the box full of family photos and documents she had collected.
What had me doing the happy dance this week? My client's response when I asked her what prompted her to want to take the next step and actually begin sorting through the box and begin finding her ancestors and telling their stories.
She picked up an old photo of a couple taken in the early 1900s and said: " I just feel so connected to them and want to know them." Tears were flowing from her eyes. What a touching moment!
What made you want to start on your genealogy journey?
Share your discovery!
Have I mentioned that I love teaching people how to begin and continue on in their genealogy journey? Yep, I believe I have a time or two!
Coaching is another love of mine. Spending one on one time with a client who needs an extra pair of eyes to look at a problem or advice an what their next steps should be or as my client this past week wanted, suggestions on how to begin with the box full of family photos and documents she had collected.
What had me doing the happy dance this week? My client's response when I asked her what prompted her to want to take the next step and actually begin sorting through the box and begin finding her ancestors and telling their stories.
She picked up an old photo of a couple taken in the early 1900s and said: " I just feel so connected to them and want to know them." Tears were flowing from her eyes. What a touching moment!
What made you want to start on your genealogy journey?
Share your discovery!

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