Thursday, May 18, 2017

Skill Building at #NGS2017GEN

The 2017 Putting Skills to Work session was sponsored by the BCG Education Fund and held the day before the National Genealogical Society Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.
While I have been to NGS Conferences before, this was my first experience attending the workshop. 

Morning Session
2017 NGS Education Fund Workshop

Two classes were given. 
Making Your Case: Evidence to Solve Genealogical Problems presented by Nancy A. Peters, CG and 
Making Your Case: Conducting and Writing Proof Arguments by Sara Anne Scribner, CG.

This was not just a set of lectures, but a workshop where we learned and practiced the skills being taught. 
These included determining types of and understanding independent evidence, correlating using narratives, timelines, lists and tables and practicing writing proof statements, summaries and arguments.
At noon we were provided a nice luncheon which gave time to take a break, talk to other attendees and get a chance to discuss what we learned during the morning session.
The learning environment provided an opportunity to delve into the topics and ask questions of the presenters. 

If you have never taken advantage of these workshops held the day before an NGS Conference begins, I would recommend you do so. Topics and presenters vary each year and provide a unique opportunity to grow research skills. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

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