Today's Tips come from True Lewis, author of Notes to Myself.
I was just recently admitted to the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution on July 5th, 2016. It was a wonderful experience. These are a few Tips I used and I hope they will encourage and be helpful along the way on your Journey if you choose to join the DAR.
Tip 1. Gather all pertinent legal Documents. The first 3 Generations. Birth. Marriage. Death. Baptism. Start with yourself and work yourself back. Joining Lineage Societies is different from Tree Building. Find documents that link one generation to the next on documents. My Dad’s Birth Certificate held me up due to him misplacing his. I had to have a back up like ordering online if he couldn’t find it which took him 2 weeks to eventually find. My Parents are at the age where they are confidential and private people so asking in advance is helpful in letting them know what you need if they are living. I’d feel funny too if someone was asking me for my personal documents. It took them a few months to gather and get them familiarized with the idea what I was trying to accomplish. Sometimes a modern day document that you think is readily available versus a Will & Appraisement record from 1812 can be an issue.
Tip 2. Surround yourself with Support. Your Registrar. Family & Friends. I tried to do this alone for 3 years and not ask for emotional support and help me think out theories on where to get unique records from my friends and family, even if they didn’t know quite what I was so eager in trying to do. My Genealogy Community came out in the home stretch in so many ways and I wish I had done it sooner. Plus, at some point, you will need the Registrar to put it all together on the appropriate paper and notarized by the appropriate people. She is there to keep you on track. Try to decide from the beginning what Chapter you would want to belong to. That is where you will get familiarized with DAR at monthly meetings and get your support from also.
Tip 3. Use the DAR Worksheet: It can be used for other lineage family research. It's a good source for record keeping, for future use while you research other Ancestors as a guide. I use it just to keep me on the right track and building a timeline to accomplish the same goal of proving the lineage from generation to generation. Work from yourself and record on this sheet each generation after you until you reach your Patriot.
Tip 4. Utilize the DAR research Library team. I was very specific in my request to the research team. Use other records outside of the box at Historical Societies. Check the SAR. Make sure you check to see if anyone has already Proven to your Patriot that way you can use the Library Search Service to get a Record Copy from DAR’s website.
Tip 5. Have FUN! Above all else. Don’t give up. Don’t assume a document doesn’t exist. It’s not about IF you become a Member it’s WHEN you become a Member. Honor your Lineage and Preserve it for a Lifetime. Enjoy the Process. For more information go to you will find so much valuable information to assist you on your Journey.
If you have any advice to this Tuesday Tip leave Cheri and True a Comment or Note!
Best Regards, True-
Remember, you are Today’s DAR!
Thanks for the great tips, True!
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Together we can find our people.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Great job ladies and again True, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Liv! True is great, isn't she!