Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking to 2016

 This is the last week of Amy Johnson Crowe's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks.  As we come to week 52, it's fitting that the topic is Resolutions.

 This has been a challenging year. One filled with joy and sorrow. Being a part of this weekly series has helped me to get outside of my trials and focus for a little while on my ancestors and the happiness it gives me to search for and write about them.
  Most of my goals for last year had to be modified or shelved. To say it was the hardest year of my life is an understatement, but it also taught me much about love. Love from God, family, friends and complete strangers. 
  Looking forward to next year, there are some great weekly challenges and checklists in which to participate. 

 Dear Myrtle has announced her Finally Get Organized weekly checklists.  Each week a new list will help focus on an area to organize. There will be support from the Dear Myrtle Communities on social media as well as contests to help keep participants motivated. 
 A must do program for me to get involved with over the next year!

 Another great weekly challenge is Thomas McEntee's Genealogy Do-Over.  His updated 12-week program is intended to help us look at what we have done and either completely start again or go over what we have already done. The intent is to improve our genealogy skills and help us be the best researchers we can be. He has just announced The Genealogy Do-Over Workbook to help with our progress. 
   Getting through one cycle at the beginning of last year was fun and showed me areas where improvement was needed. The workbook has been downloaded and tackling the Do-Over again is on my To-Do list for 2016.

 Along with these programs, my other goals for the year include finishing the NGS Homestudy class (that I had to put on hold) in June and Progen 25 in August. Business ideas that were put aside last year hopefully will be able to move forward.
 As for those elusive ancestors......I will be hunting you down! 

Thanks to all who have read my posts and supported me in so many ways throughout 2015.  I am grateful to be a part of the genealogy community and hope to be a support to all of you in some way during the coming year. 

Happy 2016!

Are we kin? Please contact me. Together we can find our people.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. All good goals. I might be tackling some of those as well. Happy Blogging in 2016, Cheri!
