Wednesday, September 18, 2019

GenFriends: Beginning Genealogy~ What We Wish We Had Known!

In this episode of GenFreinds, the panel and I talk about how we began our genealogy journeys and our tips and advice for those who want to avoid making the mistakes we did!
Our discussion is not just for beginners since we all find ourselves creating our own brick walls from time to time!

Watch as Melissa Barker, Bernice Bennett, Shelley Murphey and I share what we wish we had known when we started researching our ancestors!

Lack of education is a major factor in making mistakes no matter how long you've been researching.
GenFriends has addressed that topic in the following posts:
GenFriends~Genealogy Conferences-News, Learning, Fun and More!
GenFriends~Virtual Education for Genealogists
GenFriends~Favorite Books for Genealogy Research

Share what you wished you had known! We'd love to hear from you!
What advice do you have for genealogists of all levels?

Contact our panelists:
Melissa Barker-A Genealogist in the Archives
Shelley Murphy-Family Tree Girl
Cheri Hudson Passey-Carolina Girl Genealogy

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Thanks so much for stopping by!
Helping you climb your family tree,

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