This time on GenFriends, the panel and discuss genealogy conferences.
Just back from the Federation of Genealogical Societies in Washington, DC, we talk about the recent announcement of the upcoming merger of FGS and NGS (the National Genealogical Society) and what it means to the genealogy world.
Local, regional national and genealogy cruises can help you with your research skills, connect with other genealogists, find others researching your area or surnames and are just plain fun!
We share tips such as putting together your schedule ahead of time using either the printed program or taking advantage of an app is created for the conference.
Look for what is going on in your area. Are there local or regional meetings you can attend?
If not, we challenge you to start your own!
Visit the local library or archives and see what they can do to help you!
The genealogy community is a loving, caring one! There's nothing like meeting in person with like-minded people who will listen to your family stories and research problems with no eye-rolling!!
Click to watch
Links mentioned:
Genealogy Cruises
Heritage Travel
RootsTech 2020
MyHeritage Live!
The Genealogy Show
Conference Keeper
Melissa Barker
Bernice Bennett
Terri O'Connell
Cheri Hudson Passey
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