You know the dance. You know you've done it. The one every researcher does after finding something new. The one where you want to jump up and down and shout to everyone around that you found the document, contacted a cousin who has the family Bible, made a DNA connection or found a whole new branch to your tree. The one that is met with glazed stares and eye rolls.
Celebration Sunday is a place to share your discoveries.
This is a weekly series to enable everyone to tell about their Genealogy Happy Dance moment.
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While researching for information on my great-great grandfather Bertrand Campbell Price, I discovered an announcement in the newspaper about a court case filed by his wife Bessie Mae (Eargle) Price. You see, Bessie's husband "Cam" had left home in September of 1922 with the family money and never returned. Ten years later, she petitioned to have him cleared legally dead in order to obtain the money from his life insurance policy.
Many variations of what may have happened to Cam have circulated throughout the years, so I was excited to see if I could find a copy of the court record.
There also was a question as to which of two brothers was Cam's father. I had evidence of one, but a family narrative named another.
My happy dance this week was the delivery of the court file!
The transcription of the testimony of both Bessie and her son George was included.
Both claimed that Cam had left with $500 for the purpose of buying land in the country and never returned. George said he saw his father get in a buggy to leave.
When questioned about where Cam was to stay the night after he left, Bessie told the court he said if he didn't make it home that night he would stay in the home of his uncle.
The name of the uncle? Adam Price. Adam is the man named in the family narrative as the father of Cam. Here we learn from Bessie that Adam was his uncle!
Would Bessie know? Yes, he was alive and well at the time and Bessie knew him.
She knew their relationship. Adam was his uncle, not his father.
My suspicions of an error because of other documents found was correct!
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