Saturday, June 4, 2016

Surname Saturday~Price

 My maternal Great Grand Mother was Beulah Mae (Price) Roberts (1887-1980). She was the daughter of Bertrand Campbell Price and (1876-after 1922) and Bessie Mae Eargle (1878-1943) and was born in Bath, Aiken, South Carolina. Cam Price disappeared without a trace in 1922. Who his father was is still unproven.
  Edmond Sterling Price (abt.1880-before 1870) was a planter in Richland County, South Carolina. He was the father of several children. He first married Elizabeth (Jamison) Price (birth and death unknown) and then Christine (Boyer) Price (1810-[?]).  Adam Price (1847- 1927) was a 4-year-old living with Edmond in 1850 and is said by some to be Campbell's father. 
 A search of census records does not show Campbell in the household of an Adam but in that of a D.W. Price and a Daniel Price. There is a Daniel Price, who is the son of Edmond Sterling Price. Could this be the same Daniel? 

 Was Campbell, the son of Adam or Daniel? 

  Unraveling the men of the Price family is a project that hopefully will lead to who was Beulah Mae's Granddaddy.

Are we kin? Please contact me.Together we can find our people.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Those mysteries just drive me nuts. Land records have helped me in so many situations, but I have one who never appeared to own land and wouldn't you know he is the one I am stuck on!

    1. I know, right? To mad matters worse, there are several Price men with the same name, ages and locations as the one I need. Ugh!
