Sunday, March 30, 2014

This Week On My Family History Calendar

March 30-April 5


March 30- My Maternal Step Grandfather Francis "Frank" Emerson Sullivan, Jr. (1923-2004) would have been 91. Frank was born at Camp Jackson, Columbia, Richland,S.C. to Francis "Frank" Emerson Sullivan, Sr.(1880-1925) and Christine Williams Sullivan (1896-1930). 

©Cheri Hudson Passey


Monday, March 24, 2014

Matrilineal Monday-Finding Lenora's Descendants

 Last week I wrote a post called Family Friends Friday-Well Maybe.... that told of my finding and purchasing a picture from Ebay.
 The small tintype had the name Lenora Ridgill written on the frame and the seller said that the woman was from Clarendon County, SC.
   My blog post was placed on several SC Face Book Pages and Groups hoping that it would reach a family member.
  Much to my surprise, within just a few hours, I had a response on the SC Roots Forum Group.
 The respose was from Lori Abrams Rauchwerger who was excited to see a picture of the person she said was her 3rd Great Grandmother! Lori posted a chart from showing how she descended from 
Lenora Ridgill and also shared a picture of three of Lenora's descendants.
 Was this the same Lenora as the one in the census? Did I really connect that quickly with her family? I told Lori that the seller had not provided any other information as to how or why he had the picture, or how he knew she was from Clarendon County. A request for more information was sent, but no response has been received.
  One of Lori's relatives saw the post on FB and made a comment about how he could see a family resemblance.

  The picture of Lenora Ridgill

The Descendant picture. Lori's Mom (in the middle) and Grandmother.
Descendants of Lenora Ridgill
©Lori Abrams Rauchwerger
Used by permision



©Lori Abrams Rauchwerger
Used by permission

I see it too!
 Perhaps we will receive more information that will further prove the relationship or even disprove it but, as of today, the picture of Lenora Ridgill is on it's way to be reunited with those I believe to be be her family.
What a joy this experience has been!
©Cheri Hudson Passey



Sunday, March 23, 2014

This Week On My Family History Calendar

March 23-March 29


March 25-
  My Maternal 3rd Great Grandmother, Eliza Atiza Brazell Roberts (1836-1890), would be celebrating her 178th birthday. Eliza was born in Richland County, S.C. to John Brazell (1794- __) and Martha Parnold Brazell (1795-1876).   

©Cheri Hudson Passey

Friday, March 21, 2014

Family Friends Friday-Well Maybe....

 A few weeks ago I found this picture on Ebay. It is not anyone in my family, but it interested me because the woman was said to be from Clarendon, County,SC. The picture has the name Lenora Ridgill written on it.
 Several of my lines that are from the same county, so the picture was purchased and the searching began.

Lenora Ridgill
©Cheri Hudson Passey

  A Lenora Ridgill was found in both the 1860 and 1870 Clarendon County,SC Census.  

1860 Manning, Clarendon, SC Census
Lenora Ridgill, Family 109, Line 9

 While looking at this census page, I scrolled forward and back to get a sense of the community and to see if there were other Ridgill families in the area. To my surprise just three pages ahead of Lenora and her family,were the Benjamin Reese Gibson (1824-1907) family! Benjamin and his wife Margaret Cantey Walker Gibson (1830-1900) were my Paternal 3rd Great Grandparents. They were about the same ages of Lenora and her husband, C.W. Ridgell, and their children were similar in age as well. Both men were listed as farmers.
 Is the Lenora in the 1860 Clarendon County,SC Census the same Lenora in the picture? Only time will tell. A few leads have been found on Ridgell descendants in Clarendon County. Perhaps one of those will bring answers.
 If it is the same Lenora, perhaps that is why I felt such a strong urge to purchase the photo and return it to the family. She was a family friend....maybe.

 ©Cheri Hudson Passey

Monday, March 17, 2014

Have You Registered ?

 If you have thought about registering for the National Genealogical Society Family History Conference that will be held in Richmond,Virginia in May of this year and have just not gotten it done yet, or haven't made up you mind to go, do so now!  You will receive $35 off the registration price if you register before March 24.
   There are so many wonderful classes being taught this year. They offer something for everyone whether you are a beginner or professional genealogist. You can learn different methods to find your family, information on specific areas and time periods, and how to use various websites and software along with so much more!
 In addition to the lectures and classes there are many social events too, including tours, and luncheons.
If you have already registered, it is not too late to add things to your calendar. I am still trying to decide which events to go to! They all look so interesting!
 The conference is a wonderful resource for learning and growth in your genealogical persuits. You will come away wishing it wasn't over and planning on again in the future. On top of all that,you will meet some of the best people in the world! Genealogists like you who have a love for family history, squeal at the sight of old pictures and hunt endlessly for those elusive documents. Many will become lifetime friends. If you're really lucky, you may meet a cousin or two!
  For more information about the conference and how to register go to Upfront With NGS, the official blog for the National Genealogical Society.

 Hope to see you there!



Sunday, March 16, 2014

This Week On My Family History Calendar

March 16-March 22

March 19-
  My Maternal 3rd Great Grandmother, Eliza Atiza Brazell Roberts (1836-1890), died 124 years ago. Eliza died at the age of 53 in Columbia, Richland, S.C. and is buried in Brown's Chapel Cemetery, Richland County,S.C.

March 22- William Treadford Roberts (1894-1959), my Maternal Great Grandfather, was born 120 years ago in Columbia, Richland,S.C.
He was the son of George Phillip Roberts(1856-1930) and Hattie Brazell Roberts (1870-1927).

 Eliza Roberts was William Roberts' Grandmother.

©Cheri Hudson Passey

Sunday, March 9, 2014

This Week On My Family History Calendar

March 9-March 15

March 9-
  The anniversary of the death of my Paternal Great Great Grandmother Sarah Rebecca Smith Flemmimg Hudson (1835-1916). Sarah Hudson died in New Zion, Clarendon,SC at the age of 80 from La Grippe, or the Flu as we know it today. She was buried in the Midway Presbyterian Church Cemetery in New Zion,Clarendon,SC. 

March 12-
 My Maternal Great Great Grandfather, George Phillip Roberts (1856-1930), died 84 years ago in Columbia,Richland County,SC. He was 73 when he died from Endocarditis. George Roberts was buried in the Old Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery in Richland County,SC. His body was later moved when the land that the Church and Cemetery were on was bought by the government to expand what is now Ft. Jackson. His grave is now located in the new Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery in Richland County,SC.

©Cheri Hudson Passey

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Yes! NGS 2014 Announces Livestream Sessions!

How cool is this?

National Genealogical Society Announces
Live Streaming Broadcast
2014 Family History Conference
Richmond, Virginia 7–10 May 2014

ARLINGTON, VA, 5 MARCH 2014: The National Genealogical Society (NGS) announces the live streaming of ten lectures from the NGS 2014 Family History Conference, which will be held 7‒10 May 2014, in Richmond, Virginia. The upcoming conference will be the first time NGS has provided a portion of the conference to NGS members and others across the United States and overseas who are unable to attend the conference in person.

Details of the live streaming program can be found at on the NGS Conference website at Livestreaming at NGS2014Gen.  NGS has selected some of the most popular topics and nationally known speakers for the two featured tracks.
Registrants for live streaming can select either track or the bundled package that includes both tracks.
• Track One: Records and Research Techniques can be viewed on Thursday
afternoon, 8 May 2014, and Friday morning, 9 May 2014. Join the conference
from home and learn about best practices and research sources.
• Track Two: Virginia Resources and Migration Patterns can be viewed on Friday
afternoon, 9 May 2014, and Saturday morning, 10 May 2014. Learn about
Virginia’s records and her people who moved south and west to new lands
pushing the frontier ever forward.

Registration for live streaming will close at midnight 30 April 2014. All registrants will
receive an electronic version of the NGS 2014 Family History Conference Syllabus.
Registration is discounted for NGS Members.

I will be attending in person, but what a great opportunity for those who can't be there! Some who are going to attend in person may opt to register for the Livestream so that they can watch later at home and chose other classes to attend while in Richmond.  The sessions scheduled for viewing are from some very well respected and knowledgeable presenters in the genealogical community. On top of great topics and great speakers, all will get a copy of the Syllabus for the conference!
 If you have been to an NGS Confernce before, you will understand what an incredible opportunity this is. If not, I encourage you to either attend in person this May in Richmond, Va. or register for the live streaming sessions.  Don't miss this chance for a wonderful learning experience!

Thanks so much NGS!

©Cheri Hudson Passey

Sunday, March 2, 2014

This Week On My Family History Calandar

March 2-March 8

March 6- The death anniversary of my Maternal 4th Great Grandmother. Martha Parnold Brazell (1795-1876) died 138 years ago. She is buried in Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery in Richland County, S.C.

March 8- The 155th death anniversary of my Paternal 5th Great Grandmother Alice Cook Dargan (1774-1859). Alice is buried in Dargan Cemetery, Sumter, S.C.

©Cheri Hudson Passey