Wednesday, May 15, 2024

GenFriends Genealogy Chat Show: RR Season 13, Day 9: Mothers Day!


The panel, Jenny Hawran, Laura Hedgecock and I report our feelings about the events on the last day of meeting relatives on Season 13 of Relative Race.

Watch as we discuss the connections of mothers, a cousin, and a brother to answer questions sought on Day 1. We also share predictions on what Dan means by saying Day 10 will be different from any other

How did you feel about Day 9?

Any thoughts on Day 10?

We'd love to hear from you!!

Links in this episode:

Relative Race:

 Contact the panelists:

Melissa Barker -A Genealogist in the Archives

Bernice Bennette-Geniebroots

Jenny Hawran-Like Herding Cats Genealogy

Laura Hedgecock-Treasure Chest of Memories

Mary Kircher Roddy-MKR Genealogy

Shelley Murphey-Family Tree Girl

Thank you so much for watching!

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