Mary Ann (Baker) Hudson about 1921 ©Cheri Hudson Passey |
Every Saturday night, Randy Seaver from the GeneaMusings Blog issues a challenge.
This week he says:
Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):
1) What day of the week was your Grandmother born (either one)? Tell us how you found out.
2) What event was a headline in the newspapers on that date? Tell us how you found out.
3) What has happened in recorded history on your Grandmother's birth date (day and month)? Tell us how you found out, and list five events.
4) What famous people have been born on your Grandmother's birth date? Tell us how you found out, and list five of them.
5) Put your responses in your own blog post, in a comment on this blog post, or in a status or comment on Facebook.
Here are my answers:
Mary Ann (Baker) Hudson about a year old. ©Cheri Hudson Passey |
Source: The Watchman and Southron (Sumter, South Carolina) 05 May 1920, Wednesday, Page 1. ( accessed 30 June 2018.
2-The front page of the local paper The Watchman and Southron reported the death of the Crown Princess of Sweden, the rise of teacher's salary at Winthrop College and worries over cotton prices.
3- From the website This Day in History this list was given for the 5th of May:
Lead Story
1961 The first American in space
American Revolution
1776 Clinton excludes Howe and Harnett from amnesty offer
1944 Driving pioneer Bertha Benz dies
Civil War
1864 Grant and Lee clash in the Wilderness forest
Cold War
1955 Allies end occupation of West Germany
2004 Human remains found in suitcase near Virginia Beach
1995 Hail storm surprises Dallas residents
General Interest
1821 Napoleon dies in exile
1862 Battle of Puebla
1945 Six killed in Oregon by Japanese bomb
1981 IRA militant Bobby Sands dies
2002 Spider-Man is first movie to top $100 million in opening weekend
1816 The Examiner publishes John Keats’ first poem
1979 Peaches and Herb top the pop charts with “Reunited”
Old West
1877 Sitting Bull leads his people into Canada
1985 Reagan visits concentration camp and war cemetery
1904 Cy Young throws perfect game
Vietnam War
1970 U.S. forces capture Snoul, Cambodia
1972 North Vietnamese turn back South Vietnamese relief column
World War I
1919 Italian delegates return to Paris peace conference
World War II
1941 Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie returns to his capital
5-Some famous people born on May 5th-
Country singer Tammy Wynette
English Comedian Micheal PallinEnglish Singer AdeleAmerican Singer Chris BrownThis information came from the website On This Day.
Then there is the big celebration of Cinco de Mayo! My cousin used to call it Cinco de Mimi!!
What was happening the day your grandmother was born? Take the assignment and see what you can learn! Write a post and share it here and on Randy's post!
Thanks so much for stopping by!