Friday, October 24, 2014

Come Connect.Restore.Refresh~FGS 2015


         Have you ever been to a genealogy conference? If not and you have an interest in or a passion for searching for your ancestors, a conference is a must!
  Salt Lake City, Utah will be the location for the The Federation of Genealogical Societies annual conference along with Rootstech in February 2015. Two conferences happening at the same time in the same place. Kind of reminds me of the old Reeses Peanut Butter Cup commercial. Two great things that go together!
    The theme for FGS2015 is Connect.Explore.Refresh. A great description of what a genealogy conference should be.  

   First, let's talk about how exciting it is to Connect at conferences. The ones I have attended before have been a wonderful place to meet new genealogy friends and to see old ones. For those of us on social media, it gives the opportunity to meet all those Twitter, FB, G+ and blogging friends that we've only talked to virtually. Some look like their media pictures and others...well, that's part of the fun! During previous conferences I have connected with presenters who have taken the time to answer my questions,  professional genealogists who were willing to share their ideas, and many who I have sat next to in class who "just happened" to be researching some of the same areas that I am.  Many of these I continue to connect with and truly enjoy calling friends! Oh, and did I mention the lunches, dinners and other social activities that go on at a conference? Here's a little known secret....genealogists know how to have fun! 
Meeting with friends at NGS2014

   Next is  Explore. The schedule  for FGS2015, gives opportunities for many topics to explore. Whether you are just starting out or have been researching for decades, there is something for everyone. Then of course, there's exploring the exhibit hall! Anything and everything genealogy from software, websites and societies to books, jewelry and clothing  will be available. The opportunity to visit the Family History Library which is near the conference site is another way to explore. Planning time to do some research there is a must!

Family History Library
Salt Lake City, Utah

  Last, but very important is Refresh. Something so needed when research, deadlines, and day to day life gets in the way of the joy in the journey.  From personal experience, I know that a conference can motivate, inspire and bring back the joy. The energy is contagious, The opportunity to learn and grow enormous. I have come away each time with a renewed love of genealogy and family history work as well as a sense of belonging to such a wonderful diverse community.
      So come Connect. Explore. Refresh  in Salt Lake  Feb. 11-14, 2015! 

On top of all  the wonderful things happening at FGS2015 in February, the keynote speaker for Saturday February, 14 will be none other than Donny Osmond !
 Be still my heart...on Valentine's Day! 
Donny Osmond mid 1970's
Pretty sure this was one of the many pics of him on my wall!